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Which class?

Pilates focuses your mind & body, developing an awareness of your core muscles, helping to correct muscle imbalances, improve flexibility and posture and give an overall sense of wellbeing you must bring your own mat and equipment - this can be purchased from Nicola Rayner Fitness -

Active Older Adult fThis class focuses upon improving mobility, flexibility, balance and strength to give greater ease to daily activities and improve quality of life, enhancing both mental and physical wellbeing!
This class will be both beneficial and fun - a wonderful way to stay active!

Active Older Adult class info


Men's Core Strength helps develop core muscles through strength and flexibilty work with a Pilates foundation, to improve strength, speed and good muscle

range to benefit all sports including- golf, running, cycling and weight lifting 

you must bring your own mat some equipment can be provided but it is recommended that you have your own block/resistance band/soft ball/yoga strap this equipment can be purchased from Nicola Rayner Fitness -

HIIT Circuits is a total body changing fitness class, building muscle strength and endurance, revving up the cardiovascular system and improving core stabilisation through a combination of bodyweight exercises using various interval training techniques. Whatever your fitness level it will be challenged according to your ability, working you hard and delivering results within 6 weeks! 

Legs, Bums & Tums variety is key here. Utilising weights, resistance bands, gliding discs, chairs or bodyweight training, this class targets all areas with particular attention to those legs, bums and tums. Modifications or challenges are offered to cater for all fitness abilities. You must bring your own mat - other equipment such as dumbbells & bands can be provided or you are welcome to bring your own - these items are also available to purchase from Nicola Rayner Fitness -

STRONGER for ladies - If you've lost your oomph, feel achy or lacking in energy this class could give you the boost you need! STRONGER is a low impact strength class for women that want to get back into exercise, are beginners or would like to improve their strength without movements that involve jumping. The class includes a variety of equipment to challenge different muscles and help to rebuild or improve your strength, so you feel mentally and physically STRONGER! please bring your own mat

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